for use and activities for both adults and children!
The following information was provided by Odessa
Ellis; Odessa is in charge of the children's services at the library. These are some of the events which are currently offered at the library. Please visit the library website for future and on-going events at http://www.clairtonlibrary.org/
10 week Wise Walk Program begins on Sept. 8, 2012 from 10:00am to 11:00am
The wise walk group has been meeting together for about 3 years we still have several people from our core group and new people to join at any time during each session.
We meet as a group each spring and fall, but this last spring we decided to go continuous into the summer.
We meet at the library and we walk around the main streets in Clairton; we then come back to the library for a lite snack. I pass out motivation quotes every week and other info. related to healthly eating. Within our group, we have another group that like to walk the Montour Trail on State Street while we walk around in Clairton.
Book Clubs:
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 at 1:00pm, the book is The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani
Monday, Sept. 17, 2012 at 9:00am, the book is the Dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
The two book clubs are both adult book clubs and all women of different ages; we did have a few men, but not now. We read the book and discuss it with coffee and snacks at the library.
Our book clubs don't just read the books, we like to go on field trips too. We read the Frank Lloyd Wright book and then went to visit his place, Kentuck Knob, and had lunch. Our most recent trip was to a cute little tea shop that sold antiques in Monongahela, PA, and two house tours in Clairton...one of African Art and one that has been named a historical home.
Game Day for the children (every 3rd Sat. of the
Game Day for the kids is ongoing all year, but I have more kids during the school year. We play board games and the Wii games with a lite snack; but when they get too antsy, I get the children to do exercises and racing games and they love it.
Well as you can see, we do have fun here. I try to make the programs I run enjoyable so that the people will come back.