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Feel free to click on the button titled: Pictures of Clairton in the Early Days
Feel free to click on the button titled: Pictures of Clairton in the Early Days
Clairton’s existence began just after the turn of the 20th century when the Crucible Steel Company acquired a large tract along the west side of the Monongahela River, about 13 miles (21 km) south of Pittsburgh. Soon after, the Carnegie Steel Co. (later U.S. Steel) built an integrated steel mill and coke production facility, which eventually became one of the world's largest.
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While this website contains much information on the City of Clairton, it is not meant to replace the official City of Clairton website, which can be found at
The intent of this website is to bring information from various websites and organizations together in one place so that Clairton citizens can easily access the information they are seeking. It is also intended to encourage everyone to be part of the positive community events and to work together with our government to preserve our past, enjoy our present, and plan for the future of our town.
This website is not intended to be a legal resource.
While this website contains much information on the City of Clairton, it is not meant to replace the official City of Clairton website, which can be found at
The intent of this website is to bring information from various websites and organizations together in one place so that Clairton citizens can easily access the information they are seeking. It is also intended to encourage everyone to be part of the positive community events and to work together with our government to preserve our past, enjoy our present, and plan for the future of our town.
This website is not intended to be a legal resource.
Incorporated April 12, 1903 as a borough
Incorporated January 1, 1922 as the "City of Clairton"