We are accepting donations of time, skills, labor, materials, and prayer.
Skills: We need a stump grinder and someone skilled to use it! :)
Stone mason to fix the wall of the fountain.
There are many stumps on Memorial Hill that need removed.
Labor: People to dedicate time in raking, uncovering the buried stone walkway.
Materials: We will need flowers for the fountain and mulch.
Prayer: Please pray for the people of Clairton that they see the vision and be a light to their children and their children's children.
Stone mason to fix the wall of the fountain.
There are many stumps on Memorial Hill that need removed.
Labor: People to dedicate time in raking, uncovering the buried stone walkway.
Materials: We will need flowers for the fountain and mulch.
Prayer: Please pray for the people of Clairton that they see the vision and be a light to their children and their children's children.