Real Estate and Tax Information
2012 Millage rate is 5.69 mills or $.569 per $100.00 valuation
Annual Real Estate Calendar
Jan. 1 Office of Property Assessments certifies individual property assessments.
Mar. Treasurer mails tax statements and eBills May 31 End of 2% discount payment period.
June 30 Treasurer files liens for previous tax year unpaid taxes.
July 2 Taxes due at face.
July 3 Delinquent tax period begins. Penalty is 5% of gross tax due. Interest is 1% of gross tax per month for each month taxes are delinquent.
July 31 Annual deadline to apply for senior citizen tax relief.
Aug. Treasurer mails delinquent notice for all unpaid current taxes.
Note to Senior Citizens:
All Allegheny County home owners who are 60 years of age or older, who have resided in and owned their own home for at least ten years, and have a total gross household income of $30,000.00 or less can qualify for Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief, formerly known as Act 77. This program gives all qualified applicants a flat 30% discount on County real estate taxes.
For more details or an application, visit the Senior Citizen's Tax Relief Page or call (412) 350-4100 or toll free 1-866-282-TAXS.
2012 Millage rate is 5.69 mills or $.569 per $100.00 valuation
Annual Real Estate Calendar
Jan. 1 Office of Property Assessments certifies individual property assessments.
Mar. Treasurer mails tax statements and eBills May 31 End of 2% discount payment period.
June 30 Treasurer files liens for previous tax year unpaid taxes.
July 2 Taxes due at face.
July 3 Delinquent tax period begins. Penalty is 5% of gross tax due. Interest is 1% of gross tax per month for each month taxes are delinquent.
July 31 Annual deadline to apply for senior citizen tax relief.
Aug. Treasurer mails delinquent notice for all unpaid current taxes.
Note to Senior Citizens:
All Allegheny County home owners who are 60 years of age or older, who have resided in and owned their own home for at least ten years, and have a total gross household income of $30,000.00 or less can qualify for Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief, formerly known as Act 77. This program gives all qualified applicants a flat 30% discount on County real estate taxes.
For more details or an application, visit the Senior Citizen's Tax Relief Page or call (412) 350-4100 or toll free 1-866-282-TAXS.